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Watford FC Under 12s visit our 50+ Activity Club!

25 Oct 2023

Watford FC Under 12s and the Mayor visit our 50+ Activity Club to discuss Windrush

Watford FC under 12s visited our 50+ activity club as part of their Christmas Truce project. The Christmas Truce project is a social action project with the Premier League that involves learning about WW1, the Christmas Truce project, Walter Tull and Windrush. The under 12s visited us to speak with our members to discuss what they had learnt about Windrush in it's 75th anniversary and what it means to them and Watford Mayor Peter Taylor, also visited to join in the discussion.

We had a lovely time discussing our experiences and what they have learnt and what it means to them and look forward to hopefully engaging with the younger members again in the future.

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